CCSD brings in new citizenship rubric
Journalism students demonstrate a type of behavior, such as cheating, that can earn a lower citizenship grade in this photo illustration.
September 23, 2021
At the start of school, teachers have brought to students’ attention that CCSD has changed the citizenship rubric. Some teachers may think that it is helping students, but will it?
“The new citizenship rubric is an interesting change,” English/Publications teacher Jason Emord said.
This new citizenship grade is indeed an interesting change. Most students are familiar with the simple Outstanding, Satisfactory, Needs Improvement, and Unsatisfactory classifications. With this new change, teachers are not sure what it’ll bring to their students. They’re not sure if this new understanding will bring positive or negative changes to the student body since we haven’t used it before
“I don’t mind this change in format,” Emord said. “But I do think that the change in format does need to be elaborated on for all parties involved.”
Emord said that with this change, everyone should have an understanding for a positive outcome for the students. This rubric will perhaps show a better picture for students’ behavior if everyone is able to understand it thoroughly. This is a goal for all students to have knowledge of better etiquette and behaviors that will lead to success in their classes.
This rubric is an initial starting point for all students to have more appropriate manners and study habits. If this format is used effectively, it could help show more productive results. If a student achieves an O or S, it could motivate them to become better students.
“The new rubric could help inform a student of what their teachers feel are doing well and not doing well,” Emord said. “But it comes down to the individual student.”
This all comes to the motivation of the student. Motivation is the key to what a student would do. Students who are following the rubric such as being on time, being prepared, helpful, participating, and meeting due dates and deadlines have to find the right dedication and motivation to show good etiquette in the classroom.
“I don’t think this rubric by itself is a drastic change in the school system,” Emord said.
The new school year has brought new rubric and grading changes to our school district. Teachers and students are not as familiar with it as in other years. Student behavior has been commonly shown in the overall grade such as work was docked points for being late, students received a zero on tests for cheating, etc. This rubric is able to separate the behavior from the overall academic grade, and that is a very big change.