Sophomore class committee jump into new endeavors

“Together we rise, together we soar, class of 2024!”

On Monday, Sept. 27, sophomore class committee members dress up for spirit day with pajamas.

Kristyann Esteron, Editor in Chief

The sophomore class committee is an organization to raise money and plan events for the sophomore class. With President Grace Wiegand and vice president Lauryn Allen, the council has been hard at work, meeting once every week to brainstorm new events and projects.

Early in the year, they have hosted a fundraiser selling Otter Pops at lunch during the week of homecoming. Planning the Otter Pop fundraiser was a little stressful, however, it gave their members the experience of preparing fundraisers. They learned how to sacrifice their time to their organization, while also prioritizing their own activities.

“The Otter Pop fundraiser was a success!!” Wiegand said. “We made a great profit being that it was the first fundraiser the class of 2024 has been able to provide, so we are very proud of the outcome.”

Now, their committee is split into three groups. One is working on a new fundraising idea, another is working on community service projects, and the third is preparing for a very special event coming soon. 

Collectively, the goal of the committee is to bring the students together. Their action plan is to meet deadlines and incorporate other students’ input to hear what they would like to see from the sophomore class. 

Currently, the committee of the class of ’24 is hosting a book drive. The books will be sent to Spread the Word Nevada. The goal of the non-profit organization is to “promote literacy and to make it possible for all Nevada’s children to experience the magic of books.” English teachers currently have boxes in their classroom where students can put any gently used novels or children’s books they’d like to donate.

The sophomore class committee meets every Thursday in room 923.