Absence makes the art grow fonder

After the events of Covid-19, National Art Honor society is back, more artistic than ever

Photo Illustration by Angel Gonzalez

National Art Honor Society members work on paint chip project: Scarlett Salazar (12), Emily Thompson (12), Brittany Ferriolo (9), Jenoah Torres (12), Krista Mayfield (9), Gildardo Venegas (11), Payton Harmych (11).

Art students display their paint chip projects, including works by Sarah Lujan, Theron Racho, Jazzelle Souza, and Anna Dumansauy. (Angel Gonzalez)

When the clock hits 1:20 p.m., club President Payton Harmych, 11, calls for the club’s attention, and she lists the rundown of today’s activities.

 “Make sure to keep sure to keep an eye on the time,” Harmych reminds club members.

National Art Honor society is a student-led organization. They meet every Thursday in room 308 after school until 2:30 p.m. 

Currently, 35 club members have enlisted in National Art Honor Society. Four of these members include the club’s officers: Vice President Scarlett Salazar, 12, Treasurer Jenoah Torres, 12, Historian Emily Thompson, 12, and Harmych.

“Anyone can come in whenever they want to,” Harmych said. “The purpose of this club is to make the school a more artistic place, to display students’ work around the campus.”

With the help of her fellow officers, club President Harmych organizes the club’s activities. 

Club members are currently working on a paint chip project, where they paint on individual paint samples. Once they have enough, they will piece them together and display them in the office.

Although things are currently looking bright for National Art Honor Society, due to Covid-19, they won’t get the same club experiences as previous years.

“A big part of the club was field trips,” Harmych said. “Students were able to immerse themselves in the art world.”

Covid-19 hasn’t stopped club president Harmych from pioneering safe and fun activities for her club to participate in, however.

Harmych is currently working to arrange a gardening initiative to coordinate with culinary and special education. 

Due to Covid-19’s effect on fundraisers and activities, Torres hasn’t had an opportunity to put his treasurer role to use.

Torres originally joined the National Art Honor society because of his artistic interests and because he wanted a place to have fun. 

“‘I love how open the club is. Everyone is welcome here,” Torres says. ” We don’t discriminate.”

Club advisor Michael McGreal encourages an open-door policy.

“Our club is a very open club. We try to be very inclusive and very diverse,” says president Harmych. “‘We want to be a safe space for art students and an outlet for anyone who wants it.”