Skyhawks celebrate Homecoming Week
History teacher Adam Maxwell shows his ’70s style.
October 18, 2022

From Oct. 3-7, the week of homecoming held many activities such as dress-up days, the football game, the band’s halftime show, the tailgate before the game and the rave dance after the game.
The dress-up days were Monday, Pacman class colors; Tuesday, Biker vs Surfer; Wednesday, Scooby Doo Squad; Thursday, Let’s Get Groovy and Friday, Skyhawk Pride.
The assembly was held right after school on Friday. The marching band performed their halftime show, Student Council announced all the people who had won homecoming court, and the Varsity football players were introduced.
Not only students attended the tailgate, but parents, teachers and siblings attended as well. There were 21 clubs selling items at this event which also included a bunch of games, music playing, and some face painting that happened to make it fun. Senior Grace Kelly was at the tailgate helping the Key Club sell root beer floats and overall had a great time.
“I had a lot of fun!” Kelly said.
The Skyhawks football team won yet again, continuing their undefeated streak with a score of 58-0 against Cheyenne. The football game happened in the afternoon of Oct. 7 after the tailgate. A lot of students had fun watching the game.
“The homecoming game always has a really good sense of community, and it was great being able to see our school continue their undefeated streak,” Kelly said.
The homecoming rave dance took place on Oct. 7 from 9-10:45 p.m. The homecoming lord and lady were freshmen Spencer Tolentino and Leah Lau; the sophomore duke and duchess were Diego Ramirez and Savannah Foschetti; junior prince and princess were Noah Mendez and Grace Wiegand and the senior king and queen were Brandon Tunnell and Brianna Lebron. It was a successful dance, and all the students had an amazing time.
Aris • Oct 18, 2022 at 9:02 pm
Great job Evelyn!!!