Mr. Young poses in front of the class in his standard suit and tie.
Mr. Young makes psychology class rewarding
I walked into high school as just a student mainly interested in psychology. Walking into my psychology class on the first day of school was scary because I wanted the class to be a good fit for me. I had no idea if the teacher, Michael Young, was nice or mean or a good teacher in general, so I went into the class completely clueless.
After the first day of school, the more I came to Mr. Young’s class, the more it became a valued part of my average school day. I started loving the class more and more as the days went by. I cherished Mr. Young as a teacher, and I also greatly appreciate and enjoy the class so far.
Mr. Young has grown to become my overall favorite teacher at Silverado. In my opinion, Mr. Young is a very caring and empathetic teacher. He is wonderful at showing his genuine interest in any conversation he has with his students and makes sure that they know that they can always feel safe and cared for when speaking with him.
“I think Mr. Young cares a lot about what his students think and feel and what they have to say. He is very engaging in conversations with students and is a very good listener,” says freshman Haylee Kratz.
I think the main reason why I love Mr. Young’s class so much is because there’s never a dull moment. Every time I go to his class, I always look forward to what he has planned. Even though his class can get a bit repetitive at times, he still manages to make each class period interesting.
Mr. Young has taught me how to show others empathy, and that every opinion that you have matters. He always makes sure to remind his class that anything that they have to say is important, whether or not it’s good or bad. He has also shown me the importance of making sure that everyone feels appreciated and loved.
Mr. Young has also taught me a lot about self-love. Something that he always says to his class is you are never alone. He also constantly reminds his students that things will get better, no matter how much they might feel that they won’t. These two reminders have definitely had an impact on me ever since he said them. He’s shown me that I should always love myself, no matter how bad things get.
Mr. Young has made me more interested in psychology solely because of the fascination I have with the idea of being able to help others. Mr. Young frequently advertises empathy, which makes me more attracted to the idea of being someone that others can talk to because they know I will listen and give them the time they deserve.
Mr. Young has also made me realize what I want to major in later in my life. He and his class have all been important factors in the reason why I now want to major in psychology when I graduate high school. The fact that he already has me not only thinking, but knowing what I want to do once I graduate, is outstanding on his part.