On Nov. 16, Silverado held the 10th annual Empty Bowls event. Empty Bowls is a charity event to fight hunger in partnership with Three Square, other schools, and the Las Vegas valley community.
Empty Bowls is not only a community event but an interdisciplinary one as well. This year, Silverado partnered with the Nevada Clay Guild and our ceramics classes, which spent weeks crafting handmade bowls. The Green Valley Rock Band provided music with an energetic performance, and the culinary class usually makes the soup for the event.
During this year’s Empty Bowls event, $8,600 was raised, and attendance was at an all-time high at 840 people. Silverado’s Student Council held down the cafeteria as mass groups of people lined up to pick colorful bowls and eat warm soup and bread.
The community entered the cafeteria greeted by seniors Nevaeh Scorza, Lauryn Allen and Grace Wiegand. Then attendees picked a bowl out of the plethora provided by the ceramics classes and enjoyed their soup.
Senior and StuCo historian Shawn Carter organized this big event and worked extremely hard on all fronts including planning, creating designs for decorations, and putting together the lunchroom with the help of other student council members.
“In general, planning was a little stressful, but it was totally worth it,” Carter said.
Overall, Empty Bowls was a great success and helped multitudes in our communities around the valley.