Cheer wins first place at Nationals

Provided by Dora Kyler

SHS Cheer hold up their 1st place banner

Lilly Eukel, Staff Writer

Varsity Cheer won 1st place and a national title at Jamz Cheer and Dance Nationals on Feb. 21-23.

On Friday Feb. 21, the following attended Nationals at The Orleans casino: Star Acosta (11), Courtnie Barlow (10), Jayzel Castelo (11), Keana Davila (12), Leila Hammock (10), Cawana Lee (9), Jasmine Marco (10), Dreama McDermott (12), Liberty McDermott (10), Lily Martin (10), Taylor Price (11), Isabella Rodriguez (10), Skyla Villanueva (10) and their coach, Dora Kyler.

Competitions like these can be stressful yet exciting.

“Day 2 was more stressful because it counted for 65% of our score, so we had to do the same, if not better than our first day performance,” Castel said. “We had a lot of great teams in our division, and we were [really] nervous, but we gave it our all and did the best we could to get that win!”

 This was their last competition together, so they gave their all.

Provided by Dora Kyler
The cheer team attends Nationals

“Jamz was bittersweet for us,” Castelo added. “We knew it was our last competition together this year, and we wanted to show everyone how good we were. We wanted to win those National Champ jackets!”