Bring back Saturday Homecoming Dance

Evelyn Layson

Students fill the quad on Oct. 7 for Homecoming Rave.

Jordyn Reynolds, Sports Editor

Silverado held the homecoming dance right after the football game on Oct. 7 in the courtyard. While it’s nice to see Silverado spirit back after the shut-down during the pandemic, the format of the dance is no longer the traditional formal dance on Saturday night.

While the less formal “rave” was well-attended and many students had fun, the controversy of homecoming involved whether or not it should be right after the game on Friday night or the following Saturday evening.

In my opinion, homecoming should be on Saturday. If homecoming were to be on Saturday instead of Friday, students would be able to decide whether or not they wanted to make plans before the dance such as going to dinner, attire could be more formal, and the format would give more time to Student Council to organize and prepare.

Having the dance on Friday, which is already packed with an assembly, a tailgate and the game, is too much. Students felt confused, plans were left undone, and many felt somewhat robbed of a formal event.

“The school should make use of formal events as much as possible,” said senior Grace Kelly. “It’s way more fun to have an excuse to go out and dress up.”

Due to homecoming being at such an awkward time, some students chose to not go to Silverado’s homecoming and give their money to other schools around the valley. Other schools such as Chaparral, DO and Sierra Vista decorated their gyms or cafeterias on Saturday night and offered a more formal and traditional experience.

I, and many other students at Silverado, including most of the Star staff, believe we should have a formal Saturday homecoming dance, and I hope we can consider changing to that next year.