The path to failing a test actually begins long before the actual test day. It is important to set yourself up for failure as soon as the teacher begins explaining the subject the test is on. Under no circumstances should you pay attention to anything the teacher is saying, lest you learn something useful. (You may want to stop paying attention a long time in advance to ensure you cannot understand anything about future topics.).
It may be difficult to completely ignore your teacher. If you have a phone, it can be an asset in your efforts to ignore everything. It has a wide range of options for you to divert your attention to. You can also use headphones to block out your teacher’s voice even more.
In addition, you must not do any formative assignments. They are practice for the test and will help you learn and understand the subject better. This must not be–, not if you want to fail.
As the test approaches, you may be tempted to study. This, however, you must not do if you want to fail, as it will drastically increase your chances of getting a good score. Instead, do not so much as think of the subject. Get rid of your notes, if you have any–, they will only help you succeed. Perhaps you can add them to a bonfire, or use them for paper mache.
Unfortunately for your failing aspirations, you are plagued with resources to help you succeed. Tutoring is available after school from different teachers, and math students help in Mu Alpha Theta. Your teachers are eager to help you, and they may provide a study guide or notes. You must steer clear of all of these things if you want to fail. They are dangerous to this goal.
On the night before the test, you should get as little sleep as possible. Well- rested students are more likely to do well on tests, so avoid sleep like the plague. A good way to do this is with the help of some sort of screen. You also shouldn’t eat breakfast on the day of the test.
Taking the test, you should not read any of the questions. If it is an open note test, you must not consult any notes at all. Instead you should just answer randomly, trying to finish as quickly as possible.
If you follow these tips and successfully dodge all the things geared to help you succeed, then, most likely, you will fail.